Jeff Resnick 07 Shattered Spirits by L. L. Bartlett

Jeff Resnick 07 Shattered Spirits by L. L. Bartlett

Author:L. L. Bartlett [Bartlett, L. L.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781940801315
Publisher: Polaris Press
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


Food doesn’t interest me all that much, but there’s something to be said about a ham sandwich on good seeded rye with Swiss cheese, iceberg lettuce, tomato, and mayo. I have to admit, the sandwich and scoop of mighty-fine mac salad that arrived as my lunch actually made me feel almost human again. And instead of gulping my second drink, I savored it, because being a guest in the home of a doctor and a nurse, I never knew when I’d get to imbibe once again.

Getting back into Richard’s car was just as big a pain in the ass as getting out of it had been, but soon we were heading for Maria’s neighborhood. I looked forward to putting all this physical activity behind me and figured by the time we returned to Richard’s house, I’d probably fall into the recliner and conk out for the rest of the day.

Richard pulled off Sheridan Drive and onto Brownstone Crescent, a street of newer builds, and we searched for Maria’s house. Richard braked and we rolled slowly by number sixty-six. I found it hard to swallow as I took in the huge house with its many peaks. A three-car garage was tucked into the north side of the stone-clad, two-story McMansion. The yard was nicely landscaped and I guessed there had to be four or more bedrooms within. Perhaps there was an in-ground pool out back as well. A Google satellite view might tell me for sure.

“Wow,” Richard said, his voice subdued.

“Yeah,” I had to agree.

He drove down the street, turned around, and drove us past the bitch’s house once more. A black BMW sat in the driveway, as did a Ford Focus. I bet it was the Focus Maria drove to her job at The Whole Nine Yards.”

“What do you think?” Richard asked.

“That something very fishy is going on. Bartenders—even popular ones—don’t make the kind of money to afford a place like this, and I’ve got a feeling she owns it.”

“I’ll look it up on the county site as soon as we get home. I’ll also look up the address on Zillow to get an idea of its worth.”


We drove the rest of the way home in silence. I was preoccupied with thoughts of how my dire financial state compared to Maria’s apparent good fortune. A low-cut blouse could not be the only secret for her success.

Richard pulled into the driveway, but this time we had no welcoming committee. He helped me from the car and into the house. Brenda was nowhere to be seen—probably off grocery shopping. I had two choices on where to crash; my room or the recliner. I felt like a traitor for choosing the recliner, but I wanted to cut Richard some slack by not forcing him to face Herschel so soon. I settled onto the chair and zoned out before I knew what hit me.

The shadows were long by the time I awoke. In the distance I heard the murmur of voices coming from the direction of the kitchen.


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